
发布时间:2019-05-23 20:17:21



  摘 要


  关键词:多式联运;河南 ;目标;途径
  Multimodal transport is indispensable to the realization of comprehensivetransport development goals in the transport industry. It is of great significance inimproving the comprehensive transportation system, achieving industry efficiency,helping the healthy development of logistics industry and improving nationalcompetitiveness.
  Henan Provincial Committee and Government attach great importance to theconstruction of multimodal transport system. It is an important subject to study andanalyze the "Henan Plan" of multimodal transport. Based on the experience gainedfrom developed countries such as Europe and the United States, this paper studies thedevelopment of multimodal transport in China, and points out the shortcomings anddifficulties of Henan Province in multimodal transport. On this basis, it puts forwardthe goal and approach of the "Henan Plan" for multimodal transport: to determinemultimodal transport. The policy orientation and strategic objectives of the exhibitionare to strengthen top-level design; to achieve continuous innovative development andestablish a unified multi-modal transport management and coordination department;to accelerate the construction of land-air transport hub and realize the integration ofinfrastructure; to cultivate transnational multi-modal transport enterprises and buildinternational and domestic transport network; and to enhance inter-modal transport.
  Technical equipment level, the construction of integrated information system, so as topromote the healthy and rapid development of multi-modal transport in HenanProvince.
  Keywords: Multimodal transport; Henan;Targets; Development Countermeas
  一 绪论

  1 选题背景 .
  2 选题意义 .
  1 国外研究现状 .
  2 国内研究现状 .
  1 研究工具及思路 .
  2 研究方法 .
  二 理论基础
  (一) 多式联运的概念与内涵

  1 多式联运的概念 .
  2 多式联运的内涵 .
  3 多式联运的本质 .
  三 河南多式联运发展现状

  1 多式联运发展的新空间 .
  2 多式联运发展的新需求 .
  3 多式联运发展的新平台 .
  1 河南多式联运总体发展状况
  2 河南多式联运发展优秀范例
  (三) 河南多式联运发展存在的不足.
  1 基础设施衔接不畅 .
  2 装备现代化水平不高 .
  3 信息共享机制需进一步健全
  四 国内外多式联运发展经验

  (一) 美国多式联运发展经验.
  1 美国多式联运发展的战略定位及政策
  2 美国多式联运发展的基础设施规划及技术装备
  3 美国多式联运发展的市场主体
  (二) 欧盟多式联运发展经验.
  1 欧盟多式联运发展的战略定位及政策
  2 欧盟多式联运发展的基础设施规划及技术装备
  3 欧盟多式联运发展的市场主体
  (三) 国内其他省市先进经验.
  1 着力做好顶层设计 .
  2 有效整合多方资源 .
  3 增强一体化服务能力 .
  五 加快河南多式联运发展对策
  (一) 推进河南多式联运发展的战略路径.

  1 确立多式联运系统的地位 .
  2 推进多式联运系统建设的实施路径
  (二) 推进河南多式联运发展的重点任务.
  1 完善统一开放公平竞争市场环境
  2 统筹加快多式联运基础设施建设
  3 着力提升多式联运装备技术水平
  4 加快培育多式联运市场企业群体
  5 积极推进多式联运信息交互共享
  (三) 推进河南多式联运发展的保障措施.
  1 强化工作协同联动 .
  2 加大政策支持力度 .
  3 加强科技创新引领 .
  六 结论


