1. 评价认知行为干预对慢性前列腺炎患者应对方式、自我效能感和焦虑抑郁情绪的影响。
2. 评价认知行为干预对慢性前列腺炎患者临床症状(前列腺炎症状和勃起功能)和复发的影响。
3. 评价认知行为干预对慢性前列腺炎患者用药依从性的影响。
1. 选取 2017.5 至 2018.1 某三甲综合医院泌尿外科门诊诊断为慢性前列腺炎的患者76 例,按照随机数字表法将其随机分到对照组和试验组,对照组和试验组各 38 例。
2. 对照组接受常规诊疗,医生回答患者问题,给患者研究者的联系方式,便于有问题随时联系,试验组在上述基础上,还进行认知行为的干预技术,干预 6 周。内容有:
3.干预前,对患者的人口学资料和患病情况进行比较,干预前和干预 6 周后评估两组患者医学应对方式得分(MCMQ),自我效能感得分(GSES),综合医院焦虑抑郁量表得分(HADS),勃起功能得分(IIEF-5),前列腺炎症状得分(NIH-CPSI),并评估干预 6周后两组患者的用药依从性(compliance),以及 6 个月后评估两组患者的复发(recurrence)情况结果:
1.干预 6 周,最后完成干预的人数为试验组 35 例,对照组 38 例,共 73 例,干预前试验组和对照组人口学资料和患病情况进行比较,差异没有统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。
2.干预前,对两组患者应对方式得分比较,差异没统计学意义(P>0.05);干预 6周后,对两组患者三种应对方式得分进行组间比较,试验组面对得分高于对照组,回避、屈服得分低于对照组(P<0.001);干预后对照组患者三种应对方式得分与干预前比较,面对和回避应对方式得到改善,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001),屈服应对方式没有得到改善,差异不具有统计学意义(P>0.05);干预后试验组患者三种应对方式得分与干预前比较,均得到改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);试验组患者干预前后三种应对方式得分的改善幅度均大于对照组(P<0.001)。
3.干预前,对两组患者自我效能感得分进行比较,差异没统计学意义(P>0.05);干预 6 周后,对两组患者自我效能感得分进行组间比较,试验组高于对照组(P<0.001);将对照组患者的自我效能感得分干预前后进行比较,干预后高于干预前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);将试验组患者的自我效能感得分干预前后进行比较,干预后高于干预前,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001);试验组患者干预前后自我效能感得分的的增长幅度大于对照组(P<0.001)。
干预 6 周后,对两组患者焦虑得分和抑郁得分进行组间比较,试验组低于对照组(P<0.001);将对照组患者焦虑得分和抑郁得分干预前后进行比较,干预后低于干预前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);将试验组患者焦虑分值和抑郁分值干预前后进行比较,干预后低于干预前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);试验组患者干预前后焦虑和抑郁得分的降低幅度均大于对照组(P<0.001)。
5. 干预后,对两组患者用药依从性进行比较,试验组高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
干预 6 周后,对两组患者各前列腺炎症状得分进行组间比较,试验组低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);将对照组患者各前列腺炎症状得分干预前后进行比较,干预后低于干预前,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001);将试验组患者各前列腺炎症状得分干预前后进行比较,干预后低于干预前,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001);试验组患者干预前后各前列腺炎症状得分的降低幅度均大于对照组(P<0.05)。
7. 干预前,对两组患者勃起功能得分进行比较,差异没统计学意义(P>0.05),干预 6 周后,对两组患者勃起功能得分进行组间比较,试验组高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);将对照组患者勃起功能得分干预前后进行比较,干预后高于干预前,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01);将试验组患者勃起功能得分干预前后进行比较,干预后高于干预前,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001);试验组患者干预前后得分的增长幅度也大于对照组(P<0.001)。
1.To evaluate the effect of cognitive behavioral intervention on MCMQ,GSES,HADSwith chronic prostatitis.
2.To evaluate the effect of cognitive behavioral intervention on NIH-CPSI,IIEF-5 andrecurrence with chronic prostatitis.
3.To evaluate the effect of cognitive behavioral intervention on medication compliancewith chronic prostatitis.
1.A total of 76 chronic prostatitis patients were selected from one of the three armourhospital in Shanxi.The patients were randomly divided into control group and experimentalgroup.The experimental group and the control group were 38.
2.patients in the control group given on the basis of drug treatment,and the doctoranswered the patient’s question,give the patient the contact information of the researcher,sothat they can be contacted at any time.patients in the experimental group were treated withcognitive behavioral on the basis of the control group for 6 weeks.The main content is healtheducation,assess the cognition,mental state and behavior,build a positive strategy,relaxationtraining and to consolidate cognitive behavioral intervention.
3.Before intervention,the patient,s general information was compared.Before and 6 weeksafter intervention,HADS, MCMQ,GSES,NIH-CPSI,IIEF-5 were compared.The medicationcompliance was assessed after 6 weeks of intervention.and the recurrence of illness ofpatients also was assessed after 4 months of intervention.
1.A total of 73 patients completed the intervention with 35 patients in the experimentalgroup and 38 patients in the control group.The comparison of demography data was notstatistically significant(P>0.05)2. Before intervention,there was no statistically significant difference between the twogroup on all of the scores of MCMQ(P>0.05);after 6 weeks of intervention,all of the scoresof the experimental group was significantly better than the control group(P<0.001),In controlgroup,the scores of facing coping style and the avoidance coping mode was better thanbefore,while the resignation coping mode was not changed;All of the scores of theexperimental group were better than befor(eP<0.001);and all of the scores of the experimentalgroup had a larger improvement than the control group(P<0.001).
3. Before intervention,there was no statistically significant difference between the twogroup on the scores of GSES(P>0.05);after 6 weeks of intervention,The scores of theexperimental group was higher than the control group ( P<0.001);the scores of theexperimental group and the control group were higher than before(P<0.001); theexperimental group had a larger increase than the control group(P<0.001).
4. Before intervention,there was no statistically significant difference between the twogroup on the scores of HADS(P>0.05);after 6 weeks of intervention,all of the scores of theexperimental group was lower than the control group(P<0.001);all of the scores of theexperimental group and the control group were lower than before(P<0.001); all of thescores of the experimental group had a larger decrease than the control group(P<0.001).
5. after 6 weeks of intervention,the experimental group patients with medicationcompliance was obviously higher than that of control group.
6. Before intervention,there was no statistically significant difference between the twogroup on the scores of NIH-CPSI(P>0.05);after 6 weeks of intervention,all of the scores ofthe experimental group was significantly lower than the control group(P<0.05);all of thescores of the experimental group and the control group were lower than before(P<0.001);all of the scores of the experimental group had a larger decrease than the control group(P<0.05).
7. Before intervention,there was no statistically significant difference between the twogroup on the scores of IIEF(P>0.05);after 6 weeks of intervention,the scores of the experimental group was significantly higher than the control group(P<0.001),the scores of theintervention group and the control group were higher than before(P<0.01),and theexperimental group had a larger increase than the control group(P<0.001).
8. after 6 months of intervention ,the experimental group patients with the recurrenceof was obviously lower than that of control group.
Cognitive behavioral intervention can improve MCMQ,GSES,HADS,increasemedication compliance,improve clinical efficacy and reduce recurrence,improve prognosis ofpatients with chronic prostatitis.to provide a basis for better treatment and nursing.
Key words: chronic prostatitis;cognitive behavioral intervention; medication compliance;mentality; prognosis.
目 录
1 引 言
1.1 问题的提出与研究意义
1.1.1 问题的提出
慢性前列腺炎是有排尿症状和局部的疼痛或不适,并对患者生活质量造成影响的一组疾病。泌尿外科门诊量中,慢性前列腺炎(chronic prostatitis, CP)要占到四分之一,是男性常见病,多见于年龄在 20-50 岁的人群。Krieger 等发现患有此病的男子约占北美、欧洲、亚洲等国家成年男子的 2-10%,曾受过此病症状干扰的男子约占正常男子的 50%。 国内学者夏同礼等人从尸解中发现,此病的发生率为 24.3%。不仅如此,其也容易复发,约为 20%-50%。心梗等疾病往往会对患者的生命安全造成威胁,慢性前列腺炎则不会,但它会给患者的生活质量带来很大的影响,加拿大有份研究显示,前列腺增生和慢性前列腺炎对病人生活质量的影响相比较,后者远大于前者,前列腺癌和慢性前列腺炎这两种疾病中,后者对病人生活质量的影响不亚于前者。黄劲松用生活质量量表对慢性前列腺炎患者做过调查,将这类疾病患者的生活质量与正常人进行比较,发现前者的总分和各个维度都明显低于后者。慢性前列腺炎已经被美国国立卫生研究院(National institute of health ,NIH) 列为对人类生活质量影响较大的慢性疾病,而与心肌梗死、不稳定性心绞痛以及活动性 Crohn 等疾病对患者生活质量的影响相类似。
除此之外,这种疾病不管是对卫生事业还是对个人都造成了很大的负担,我国治疗此病每年的花费大约为 8059 元,美国学者 ElizabethA 等的研究发现,因工作状态或工作效率受此病的影响而使人均收入减少约 551 美金。因此,对于慢性前列腺炎的研究得到了广大学者的关注。
1.2 国内外相关研究综述
1.3 研究方法
1.4 数据来源与处理
1.5 论文框架
1.6 论文的创新点
2 对象和方法
2.1 设计类型和分组方法
2.2 研究对象
2.3 样本量的确定
2.4 认知行为干预的内容
2.5 测量工具
2.6 统计方法
2.7 质量控制
2.8 伦理原则
3 结果
3.1 试验组和对照组患者的人口学资料和患病情况
3.2 干预前试验组与对照组 GSES 分值,MCMQ 分值,HADS 分值、NIH-CPSI分值,IIEF-5 分值基线均衡性比较
3.3 试验组和对照组患者自我效能感得分的比较
3.4 试验组和对照组患者应对方式得分的比较
3.5 试验组和对照组患者焦虑抑郁情绪的比较
3.6 试验组和对照组患者干预后用药依从性比较
3.7 试验组和对照组患者前列腺炎症状得分的比较
3.8 试验组和对照组患者勃起功能得分的比较
3.9 试验组和对照组患者干预后复发情况的比较
4 讨论
4.1 认知行为干预对慢性前列腺炎患者一般自我效能感的影响
4.2 认知行为干预对慢性前列腺炎患者应对方式的影响
4.3 认知行为干预对慢性前列腺炎患者不良情绪的影响
4.4 认知行为干预对慢性前列腺炎患者用药依从性的影响
4.5 认知行为干预对慢性前列腺炎患者前列腺炎症状得分的影响
4.6 认知行为干预对慢性前列腺炎患者勃起功能得分的影响
4.7 认知行为干预对慢性前列腺炎复发情况的比较
5 结论
5.2 本研究的局限及建议
5.3 对未来的展望